40 Years and still going!
Hey Ninjutsu Fans, first thank you for coming to this blog for the best Ninjutsu information that can be found on the web!! (more to come on that in a second)
It is cold and dark outside and I am getting ready to train once again, just like I have been doing now for 40 years! Yes, today is my birthday and I have been officially training in the martial arts for forty years!! Holy shit, that seems like it went by in a heartbeat, and it did. I can remember back in 1978 hearing about Ninjutsu for the first time, then in 1979 reading my first article and I was hooked! Not just because of the martial technique but because the philosophy or enduring and surviving was resonating in my heart. I am still just as passionate about the arts as I was as just a kid so many years ago. I get excited to see the newest martial arts videos or book to read, and I haven’t stopped training since I started way back when in the dark ages. But, this coming year is going to be very different…. How you may wonder??? ….well, I am going to be giving back to all of you loyal fans and practitioners here, with the best and most informative site on Ninjutsu you will find anywhere. Not only that but new and exciting products will be only released here and to those who are actively involved in our community. So get ready, get set and lets start another year of my training off, now it is time to hit the dark hills and trails for a short 5K before I hit the road for my other life and job!
Bufu Ikkan
Airyu – “Living the Ninja Lifestyle!”
ps: That’s me on the left back in 95 after passing the Godan test!