Winter Driving Ninja Prep
Well it is finally here, snow! 14 inches fell last night here at the Shinobi compound! What was really interesting over the last few day as we watched this storm come across the states, was watching everyone who clearly are not prepared for any bad weather driving, no supplies or equipment to help them get unstuck or even a basic first aid kit, never mind basic driving skills.
Now I know this would never happen to any of you….. a Ninja is prepared for the worst of situations even if they may never happen. So here is a quick checklist that I use when I swap into the winter season.
Winter Checklist
-20 degree windshield cleaning fluid
Ice scraper and brush
Jumper cables
Road Flares
Emergency kit (spare clothing, money, snack bars, first aid kit, heavy gloves, matches, hat, etc) My emergency kit changes with the season and I’ll write a new piece on what you should consider for your bag.
Flashlight and spare batteries (headlamps are a great hands free item)
Blanket(wool if possible.)
Tow rope
Tire chains( if you use them)
Bag of sand or salt
Car Check List
Tire inspection
Inflate tires
Fluid(s) check(Oil, Transmission, coolant, windshield washer, brake, power steering)
Battery terminals clean
Windshield wipers
Headlamps, hazards
Nothing worse than being stuck somewhere and not having any gear with you to help yourself or others around you, so fellow ninja’s get to work and put your emergency kit together and stay safe!
Bufu Ikkan