Hello Ninjutsu Fans and Practitioners!
Whoo hoo, lots of emails from both the podcast and the last blog post! Thanks for the inputs ninjas!!
To answer your questions:
1) A new Podcast is in the works and will be up by next week if not earlier.
2) Yes, longer blog posts are coming, just like the last one. BUTTTTTTT you all have to continue to email me your ideas and questions you want answered.
3) Upcoming posts will be including videos of…yes yours truely demonstrating various Ninjutsu skills.
4) Finally, I am still working on the Ultimate Ninjutsu Guide vol 1, how do you know these things?? I must now send out my ninja hordes and kill you all to keep my secrets safe. But, yes it is coming along and I want this to rock the Ninjutsu training world so be ready for its release as it will be a doozey!!
Have to head out for some training now,
Bufu Ikkan