Archive for January, 2012

Ninja Warrior Conditioning

Monday, January 30th, 2012

Ryutai Undo – Dragon Body Exercises:

Well, Ninjutsu practitioners, here is another quick exercise for you. This is an intermediate junan taiso flexibility exercise that specifically targets your back, arms and shoulders.

Stretch down your left arm through your legs and your right arm around your back. Clasp your hands (if you can)and bend forward as you pull your hands in opposite directions. Hold the position for 5 seconds and repeat on the other side. I like to do about 3 – 5 sets to feel loose and relaxed.


Bufu Ikkan

NTO Podcast # 1

Saturday, January 28th, 2012

Hello Fans!

Well, here it is our First PODCAST!! Of course this is just the first and is a little rough around the edges, but now I have the technology and so more and more information will be coming your way via the podcasts.

Bufu Ikkan

Ninjutsu Podcast??

Tuesday, January 24th, 2012

Hello Ninja Fans!!!

So, I have receiced 14 emails regarding starting a ninjutsu podcast. But, I want to hear from all of you visiting the site, give me what you want to hear and learn, and I will put them together and start the first and the only ninja podcast!

Drop me an email or post here to this post!!

Bufu Ikkan

Ninja Warrior Conditioning

Sunday, January 22nd, 2012

 A ninja has to have an awesome grip, in order to climb ropes, grapple, utilize weapons etc. So here is a great exercise to increase your pinching and gripping strength. Grasp a well-anchored door by the edge. Next lean back into the squatting position, and begin to pull yourself into the standing position. Again be careful when your grip fails you, as you don’t want to be stumbling back into anything that will injure you!


Bufu Ikkan

Ryutai undo ho

Monday, January 16th, 2012

Hello Ninja Fans!


I came across this grainy but awesome Soke Hatsumi video covering ryutai undo ho.


Bufu Ikkan

A Ninja Lifestyle

Friday, January 13th, 2012

Just what constitutes a “ninja” lifestyle? Is it running around in your tabi, and black outfit, with your weapons bristling from every point on your body? Well, it might be fun but I don’t think that exudes a ninja lifestyle. Personally I love the following saying:

“The way of the martial artist is the way of enduring, surviving, and prevailing over all that would destroy him. More than delivering strikes and slashes, and deeper in significance than the simple outwitting of an enemy, ninpo is the way of attaining that which we need while making the world a better place. The skill of the Ninja is the art of winning.”–Toshitsugu Takamatsu, 33rd Grandmaster.

So how do you go about living a Ninja lifestyle that helps you endure and prevail over all that would destroy you? It starts with your training, what are you doing each day that helps move you forward to a new level of understanding, skill or knowledge? Are you applying those skills, knowledge and strategies, to succeed in your endeavors? Today I was awake early, I had my morning coffee, watching the sky grow lighter, and preparing myself to take on the left over remnants of a snowstorm. Taking it as an opportunity to train physically by shoveling and practicing my balance on the slippery, icy terrain, awesome time even though I am a bit tired now! So I hope this analogy opens your eyes a bit, instead of looking at this situation as a chore, I chose to take it as an opportunity to improve! This is one way to take the phrase “skill of the ninja is the art of winning.”, and apply it in what might be perceived as a crappy chore and or hard work. I was winning by making this a great opportunity for improving my physical skills.

More to come in this series on what constitutes a Ninja Lifestyle!

Bufu Ikkan

Katori Shinto Ryu

Wednesday, January 11th, 2012

Hello Ninja Fans,

Well this link isn’t exactly ninjutsu (although they have some relation, look up the curriculum for the ryu) but as a traditional art with a combative nature you need to view this video!

Bufu Ikkan


Ninja Humor

Monday, January 9th, 2012

This is how a Ninja goes fishing!!!!

So we hit 56 fanpage likes yesterday!! So new Facebook content is coming up, thanks for all the enthusiasm for the Ninjutsu Training Online site. This past weekend I revamped 147 pages of content!! (my fingers are tired..) with a hell of a lot more to go before the relaunch of the Members training area. (yes, this is why I haven’t taken the two sections down yet smart ass…:) )

More coming

Bufu Ikkan


Tuesday, January 3rd, 2012

Happy New Year Ninjutsu Fans!!

Lot’s about to happen here so pay attention:

1) If you are currently a member to one of the two lessons available, be sure to copy anything you want as I am taking the members lessons off line TOMORROW!!!!!!! Why you might ask——Because I am combining 3-5 lessons into ONE SWEET LESSON!! I already have over 170 pages of written material, 1 audio, 25 video clips(which are being updated to FLV for ease of viewing) and a few surprises to boot! So don’t say I never listen or read your emails because this is where I got the idea, so you better be ready for the first new ninjutsu lesson!

2) Free stuff is a coming your way, a downloadable PDF will be placed here on the Ninja Blog shortly. This is also a very small sample of what some of the lesson material includes.

3) Audio, Audio Audio, and maybe a Video podcast as well! 2012 will be seeing a new look and feel to the posts, by adding downloadable audios, and videocasts for FREE……and you said I was cheap!

4) Facebook Fanpage! The fanpage has been up and running for a long time now but this year be ready for FB only postings but only if we hit 50 Fanpage likes! So get to it ninja fans.

I am staying up late and working insane hours on all this new material, upgrades and free stuff for all Ninjutsu practitioners worldwide, all I ask is spread the word, and let your training partners, friends and family know that this is going to be the #1 Ninjutsu Community Online!!

Bufu Ikkan